
Working Mothers and Coffee

I am often asked; how did you do it? How did you manage looking after three kids and XSIGHTS? Well, it was a journey… On the occasion of the World Women’s Day, I would like to share my five hard learnt principles as a gift to all working moms and those who are planning to become one:

1)      Buy all the help you can buy. Time you spend with your children are more important than the money you make / save / do not make. Keep away from all routine household chores as much as you can. Of course, learn how to do them but do not do it. Make sure that you spend a significant portion of your money on household help. Cook when you wanted, organize the house when you feel like it but do not put yourself in a position where you are the only one against all the household chores. Kids will grow up and leave the house, but chores will never end, choose your kids each time.

2)      Do not take on everything. I know you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for your family but do not take everything on your own shoulders, be careful on how and where you are putting your energy towards. Relationships / marriages are a long marathon, and you cannot run for two, let your partner run his part. If the dishes are waiting to be washed let them wait for your husband, if the fridge is empty ask him to go to the supermarket. Let a clean kitchen, an orderly house and tidy drawers be an aspiration for the future, do not worry you will have plenty of time to organize your wardrobe once the kids are gone.

3)     Do not abandon yourself. Just because you are a mother do not stop being yourself. Let motherhood develop your personality and not define it. As a mother, you need your support system, your friends, your fun time now more than ever to increase your energy levels. Do not abandon your dreams, your hobbies ‘for the sake of your children ‘; you will only end up resenting it. Remember that your kids will grow happier if you are positive and energetic around them. An hour to your self may be turned into many happy childhood memories for your little ones.  

4)     Make most of the holidays! As they say you only have 18 summers with your children make most of them! You can go to your home village or a high-end resort, it does not matter. What matters is to design a relaxing time with lots of  happy interaction and new experiences. Do not have really high expectations from holidays, do not worry about  sleep- in days, they are around the corner, wait until your children turn into teenagers.

5)     Work efficiently. Be at work when you are working and be at home when you are with your children. Everyone needs you to be in the moment so please do not bring  work to home or vice versa. Make sure  to divide your day into two distinct parts which has gotten a little trickier with hybrid working arrangements but do something to mark the ending of the working hours; go for a little walk, do some push-ups, take a shower, talk to your neighbor but make sure you divide your day into two mentally if not physically.

The rest is easy, enjoy being a productive, working Women and be proud! You may also want to buy yourself a cup of coffee, maybe two 😉

Happy Women’s Day!

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Picture of Çiğdem Penn

Çiğdem Penn